MEST4 Linked production: Research and planning
Your initial task is to complete the research and planning for your production. Work through the following:
1) Confirm your production brief. You write this yourself but it's absolutely crucial this is clear, appropriate and achievable. You should have done this already - the original blogpost was here - but it may have changed as a result of your preliminary exercise.
Your Critical Investigation topic:
Violence and how it effects people that consume it
Your Linked Production brief:
Your Linked Production brief:
I was creating a 3 minute extract of a 1 hour and 30 minute film. I have decided to change it to a magazine as I feel I can get a better grade. The magazine will shine light on underground crime and how teenagers are coming to contact with drugs at an early stage. I will be making the first 5 pages .
Give an example of an existing media text this is similar to what you plan to produce:
Shifty, Ill Manors, Rollin' with the Nines,City of Tiny Lights, Top boy, Brothehood, Four Lion
Give an example of an institution that would produce or distribute your planned production:
Give an example of an institution that would produce or distribute your planned production:
microwave films, Film London, NME
How would your production reach its audience?
How would your production reach its audience?
Who do you plan to work with on this project?
Who do you plan to work with on this project?
2) Research: detailed notes on at least THREE texts similar to what you are creating. What are the key conventions? What can you learn/borrow from the examples you have looked at?

3) Project schedule: when will you shoot and edit this production? Make this a week-by-week schedule leading up to Easter. Key dates: we break up for Easter on Friday 31 March and the final deadline is Wednesday 18 April.
Shoots- 17,18th march
editing- 19th to 31th
Shoots- 17,18th march
editing- 19th to 31th
4) Script - see the BBC Writers' Room for advice/script formatting. If you're making a music video, you'll want to write a treatment instead. This is anexample treatment that I provide for GCSE Media students studying this topic. For print productions, this means writing all the text for the cover, contents and feature articles. Write this in Microsoft Word so you can proofread and spellcheck the work before moving it into Photoshop.
Interview-Former England footballer Jermaine Jenas returns to his home city of Nottingham to investigate the spike in knife crime that's devastating young lives and families. BBC iplayer(
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