Essay plan tutorial
Introduction – perhaps use that excellent quote as the one
above your title? This is a solid introduction plan, it’s clear you will be
arguing against violence causing problems in society (but can always change
this view by the end of the essay). Just make sure you lay out this argument,
introduce your primary text and also any secondary/historical texts. You can
mention a theory or quote but don’t go into detail – save that for later. 250
Section 1 – historical texts / historical context. Good
start – that works with the question, Natural Born Killers ideal for this. Get
some textual analysis in here too. 500 words.
Section 2 – Primary text: Deadpool. Textual analysis. Media
key concepts etc. Quotes/reviews etc. Love the idea of focusing on comic
postmodernism – that sounds brilliant! 500 words.
Section 3 – Research – effects theories (Cultivation theory
etc.) Arguments that media IS dangerous. Quotes, theories etc. Are audiences
influenced by movies? There must be loads of both academic texts AND
Guardian/MM articles that explore this issue. This is a crucial section to
demonstrate academic strength of essay. 400 words.
Section 4 – Research – other side of argument. Media does
NOT impact on audiences. Theories, quotes etc. 400 words.
Section 5 – Regulation and censorship – excellent section,
plenty more opportunity for research, quotes etc. 400 words.
Section 6 – How this debate will look in future. I think
this should follow on very nicely from the last paragraph – what will
regulation and censorship look like in future? How does the internet change
Conclusion – sum up your argument, snappy ending please! 150
Next steps…
Update/finish your plan based on this tutorial.
You don’t need to stick to the above by any means but hopefully it has at least
clarified your thinking and provided a potential structure that will be easy to
Write your opening paragraph and email it to me
(this is today’s task) so I can give you some feedback before you start the
rest of the draft.
This essay has great potential – the key is
making sure there is a strong thread running through it and you stay focused on
the question. Your plan already seems to cover both sides so make sure this is
clearly communicated.
Publish this tutorial to your blog as a new
blogpost called ‘Essay plan tutorial’ and write your next three steps in the
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