MEST4 Linked production: Research and planning
Your initial task is to complete the research and planning for your production. Work through the following: 1) Confirm your production brief . You write this yourself but it's absolutely crucial this is clear, appropriate and achievable. You should have done this already - the original blogpost was here - but it may have changed as a result of your preliminary exercise. Your Critical Investigation topic: Violence and how it effects people that consume it Your Linked Production brief: I was creating a 3 minute extract of a 1 hour and 30 minute film. I have decided to change it to a magazine as I feel I can get a better grade. The magazine will shine light on underground crime and how teenagers are coming to contact with drugs at an early stage. I will be making the first 5 pages . Give an example of an existing media text this is similar to what you plan to produce: Shifty, Ill Manors, Rollin' with the Ni...